The Principle of Lateral Continuity Propses That

12) The principle of lateral continuity proposes that sedimentary rock layers continue in all directions until they grade into a different rock type or thin out on the edge of a basin is important because ________.

A) it provided an explanation how rocks behave in a depositional setting

B) it showed that catastrophism could not explain the flat layers of the earth

C) it allowed geologists to correlate sedimentary rock units over large distances

D) it provided a way to recognize if rocks had been deformed

13) The principle of cross-cutting relationships which states that a geologic feature that cuts across another feature must be younger than the feature it cuts is important because ________.

A) it showed that igneous rocks were younger than sedimentary rocks

B) it allowed geologists to correlate rock units over large distances

C) it provided a tool for sorting out the relative timing of various geologic events

D) it provided a way to recognize if rocks had been deformed

14) The principle of inclusions which states that the source of rock fragments found in a unit must be older than the unit with the fragments is important because ________.

A) it showed that igneous rocks were younger than sedimentary rocks

B) it provided a way to recognize if rocks had been deformed

C) it allowed geologists to correlate rock units over large distances

D) it provided a tool for sorting out the relative timing of various geologic events

15) Unconformities that represent a break in the geologic record of deposition are geologically significant ________.

A) they cannot be mapped

B) they represent a period of erosion in the region

C) they give an indication of sea level rise within an ocean basin

D) the fossils found in the unconformities can be used to correlate global time period

16) If you observe an angular unconformity, you would infer that the region had experienced ________.

A) deposition of sedimentary layers on crystalline igneous or metamorphic rocks that are exposed at the surface of the earth

B) uplift and tilting of sedimentary units that exposes them to erosion over a period of time with subsequent renewed deposition

C) intrusion of igneous rocks into a depositional setting, forcing the sedimentary layers upward and possibly deforming them, followed by subsidence of the remaining sedimentary layers and renewed deposition

D) deposition in shallow water, uplift or lowering of sea level enough to expose the rocks to erosion and non-deposition for a period of time, and subsequent resubmergence of the remaining sedimentary units where they experience new deposition

17) If you observe a disconformity, you would infer that the region had experienced ________.

A) uplift and tilting of sedimentary units that exposes them to erosion over a period of time with subsequent renewed deposition

B) deposition in shallow water, uplift or lowering of sea level enough to expose the rocks to erosion and non-deposition for a period of time, and subsequent resubmergence of the remaining sedimentary units where they experience new deposition

C) deposition of sedimentary layers on crystalline igneous or metamorphic rocks that are exposed at the surface of the earth

D) intrusion of igneous rocks into a depositional setting, forcing the sedimentary layers upward and possibly deforming them, followed by subsidence of the remaining sedimentary layers and renewed deposition

18) If you observe a nonconformity, you would infer that the region had experienced ________.

A) uplift and tilting of sedimentary units that exposes them to erosion over a period of time with subsequent renewed deposition

B) deposition of sedimentary layers on crystalline igneous or metamorphic rocks that are exposed at the surface of the earth

C) intrusion of igneous rocks into a depositional setting, forcing the sedimentary layers upward and possibly deforming them, followed by subsidence of the remaining sedimentary layers and renewed deposition

D) deposition in shallow water, uplift or lowering of sea level enough to expose the rocks to erosion and non-deposition for a period of time, and subsequent resubmergence of the remaining sedimentary units where they experience new deposition

19) In the late 1800's various principles (original horizontality, inclusions, cross cutting relations, etc. arĂȘte) were established and used to ________.

A) determine the age of events on Earth

B) prove that evolution was a valid theory that could explain many geologic observations

C) organize the order in which events occurred on Earth

D) determine the age of Earth

27) Visualize five horizontal undeformed sedimentary strata exposed in a cliff or canyon wall identified by consecutive numbers, with 1 representing the lowest of the five beds and 5 representing the highest of the 5 beds. Which of the following statements concerning the strata is true?

A) Bed 3 is older than beds 2 and 4.

B) Beds l and 3 are older than bed 4.

C) Bed 4 is older than bed 2.

D) Bed 5 is the oldest.

29) Consider the below diagram of sedimentary layers.

We know that the top layer is youngest. Which of the below is not one of the reasons we know this?

A) the principle of lateral continuity

B) the principle of superposition

C) the principle of inclusions

D) the principle of original horizontality


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